TOURCERT International Certification for PURE! ECUADOR

17 January 2017

img_6187Pure! Ecuador is one of the very first Tour Operators in Ecuador and Latin America that has received a German originated certification for its inclusive vision and sustainable practices throughout its tourism operations. Pure! has been working on several social, environmental and economic projects to become part of their venture and the adventure of their passengers.

The TourCert CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) system for Tour Operators is conceived to examine the entirety of business activities and assess its sustainability performance. This performance is translated into measurable indicators. By obtaining the TourCert certification Pure! commits to Responsible Tourism, taking into account all possible aspects from environmental, working conditions, client information, fair trade to client satisfaction and product development. Their vision that helped start Pure! has now been certified by this strict German company, bringing stability and confidence to their B2B clients, and to every single traveler who will contribute to the change of tourism into a sustainable, honest and inclusive business.

Pure! is very proud to be receiving this certification and believes it shows proof that Pure! is not just another service provider, but one that gives back and multiplies the benefits of tourism to their community and local economy.
