© ATTA / Tamara Parraguez - AdventureNEXT Costa Rica 2024

Pura Vida: A Journey Inside Out at AdventureNEXT Costa Rica

27 November 2024

I started this journey with no expectations. It was my first time in Costa Rica and my first ATTA event. I hopped on the plane embracing the unknown, ready to discover it all. As usual, life has a power to surprise us beyond our imagination. My experience was not the exception, and for that I’m deeply thankful. Pura Vida!

It all started in San Jose, where our Pre-Adventure group met for the first time, fourteen people from different countries, different backgrounds, different personalities, with one thing in common: we were all adventurous souls. And none of us knew what Costa Rica and its weather had prepared for us.

During our trip, Costa Rica was going through one of the heaviest and longest rain periods locals can remember. That was how our journey started, and it provided our first lesson: every adventure is about being flexible and adaptation. This wild weather was not in our plans, but we decided to go ahead and make the most of it.

Before you keep reading, let me tell you something. This trip was all about firsts for me: not only was the destination new, but also all the activities in our itinerary. I went ziplining for the first time in my life in the most beautiful forest I had ever seen, covered by rain, a bit nervous, curious, but above all amazed with what I was discovering in every step we took. Here I learned lesson number two: adventure doesn't happen alone. Being on the zipline with these fourteen amazing people, not only gave me the courage to let myself go, but also made it fun. The rain took all of us outside our comfort zone, but it also allowed us to laugh and connect in a way that maybe perfect weather would not have done. After the first ride I started feeling the meaning of Costa Rica’s philosophy, Pura Vida. I was starting to feel alive. Moving from a place of fear, into a place of joy and wonder.

The next couple of days taught us that you can plan for plan A or B, but life will always have its own rhythm and that this is the journey: uncertain and beautiful. Our Pre-Adventure week was definitely unexpected for all of us, but it gave us the opportunity to connect with something beyond the place: ourselves. We got the chance to talk and get to know each other on a deeper level; between the laughs and the conversations, our free spirits and our authentic selves emerged through the days. Our first day of sun allowed us to enjoy tubing at Río Celeste. I will never forget everyone's smiles on their faces. Letting go of control and flowing with the energy of the river. Fourteen adults feeling like kids again, a reminder of why we love adventure and travel.

© ATTA / White Waters Expeditions

After our Pre-Adventures, we made it to La Fortuna, ready to start the event at Los Lagos Hotel. For two days we were inspired and fueled to connect with all delegates and our Costa Rican hosts. Among peers, we discovered how much we have to learn from one another and how much room for growth and new opportunities is ahead of us.

The word inspired may come short when it comes to the lessons I learned from our speakers. After having the pleasure of sharing my Pre-Adventure week with Vanessa Marino, founder and director of Amazon Emotions, her keynote titled, “The Emotional Journey” challenged the audience to look beyond the obvious and question the way we approach travel in our lives and businesses. Dig deeper she said, while inviting us to slow down and embrace silence. Her learnings from the Amazon showed us how important the spiritual connection is when we travel, relaying the meaning of why we do it. Her words made me reflect on how we are all looking for our place in the world, and for some of us that place is the adventure of discovering ourselves while we travel.

Franco DeNegri, who spoke about “The Intellectual Journey,” made us connect with the human behind every traveler and the transformative power of every adventure. His project, La Base Lamay, pursues a responsible and regenerative tourism focused on creating a connection with local communities in Peru, an example that proves we travelers are so much more than people going places, but people who want to be transformed by experiences and people. Transformation doesn’t come from outside, it comes from inside, was one of his phrases that will stick with me for a very long time. 

© ATTA / Tamara Parraguez - AdventureNEXT Costa Rica 2024

Our closing speaker, Matthew DeSantis, founder of MyBhutan, spoke about “The Spiritual Journey.” He blew our minds and souls away sharing his perspective and vision for local and luxury adventure travel after 15 years of experience in Bhutan. In a world where so many people talk about storytelling, but very few know the true meaning of this word, Matthew gave us a masterclass on what storytelling truly means. “We push innovation with conversations,” he said.

Traveling is also about this, about the synergy created among us, about how every place is connected with those conversations we had, what we learned, what made us question things, what made us stop and contemplate the world through a new lens. Storytelling can help every community reflect on and share their history; this is how Bhutan keeps their traditions going. Because they are not stories from the past, but an expression of who you are. Storytelling allows us to create a language out of traveling, and this language can be universal as long as we keep things authentic and real.

I could probably write a book after spending these ten days surrounded by exceptional people. Every delegate, every speaker, every guest shared their passion for the adventure of life. Costa Rica was the perfect setting for seekers around the world to connect with each other, to pull ourselves out from the modern auto pilot mode we all live in sometimes.  

I came with no expectations and I left filled with joy, calm and thousands of memories that will be my true north and internal guide during 2025. I learned that we visit places, jump on planes, sign up for numerous activities, but true adventure only happens when we meet each other. The power of nature did its job. Pura Vida became something real and unforgettable. Thank you all.

I look forward to seeing everyone in April at AdventureELEVATE Latin America in Bonito, Brazil.
Let’s keep the adventure going!
