Seattle, WA - Networking, cooperative marketing and collaboration serve as the driving forces behind increased participation in the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s (ATTA) Association Partnership Program, which today announced the addition of five new members, including the global body representing indigenous tourism interests.
- Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA)
- Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN)
- International Rafting Federation (IRF)
- Tour and Safari Association of Namibia (TASA)
- World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA)
Representing thousands of individual organizations including tour operators, destination marketing organizations, tourism boards, guides, accommodation, media and service providers, the ATTA’s AP program helps tourism professionals to better network and improve cooperation within the specialized adventure sector of the travel and leisure industry. The AP also improves intelligence gathering and sharing on critical matters such as sustainable tourism, education, trends and research, online marketing, risk management and matters critical to raising the quality and professionalism of the industry as a whole.