The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and Infinity International Travel signed an agreement for Infinity and its subsidiary organizations to conduct the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) in People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

“I believe by adopting a Global Sustainable Tourism Framework and Criteria would definitely help every industry stakeholder to achieve our sustainable development goal from wise using and protecting our valuable tourism resources in best practice throughout our entire tourism operations in socially, environmentally and economically. ” Says Infinity (Int’l) Travel Holdings Ltd. CEO Steven Cheung. “Our team, Infinity and his subsidiaries, will take the lead in Greater China with his best effort to put “Sustainability” as our corporate core value and his mission in long run.”
Infinity has the goal of promoting and implementing a more sustainable tourism practice for global needs, and strives to provide quality travel services and valuable travel experience.
GSTC launched the Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) in 2014 with the aim of strengthening awareness of sustainable tourism in destinations around the world, the training program covers global trends in sustainable tourism and sustainability best practices for businesses and destinations.
The STTP offers practical insights and effective steps to help improve sustainability practices through an in-depth understanding of the GSTC Criteria, the global baseline standards for sustainability in travel and tourism, and the roles of accreditation and certification in advancing the sustainability agenda in the tourism industry.
“Reaching the enormous and essential Chinese market is vital for the global sustainability effort, in all sectors,” says GSTC CEO Randy Durband. “Our partnership with Infinity to train travel and tourism players throughout China is an important part of our mission to make global impacts. We are delighted to partner with such a skilled and passionate group of people as the Infinity team.”
Infinity (Int'l) Travel plans to commence training courses in 2017. In the initial stage, Infinity will appoint two of his affiliated training institutions which are Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre, a highly recognized sustainable tourism institution in Hong Kong, will mainly provide GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program for industry stakeholders in Hong Kong and Macau while our another institution The Globe Ecotourism Training Centre will mainly target to NGOs, national parks, global geopark and nature reserves in Mainland China and Taiwan; before we aim to promote the GSTC Criteria and sustainable tourism concept, universal spirits towards to sustainable tourism practice to public as leading travelers to become a global responsible travelers in our second stage.