Adventure Travel Co

26 May 2011

Adventure Travel Co (A-T.C) aims to help travellers find the perfect activity, the perfect destination and ultimately, the perfect adventure. With the use of bespoke video travel guides, user travel reviews and highly targeted ads, A-T.C ensures that travellers spend less time searching and more time adventuring.The need for a cohesive commercial force in the ever expanding global adventure travel market has given A-T.C an exciting platform to launch from.

Adventure Travel Co’s user services include:

  1. Activity, Destination & Adventure Video Guides - these guides will help form the world’s largest adventure video directory, allowing users to get a flavor for an activity, destination or trip before they book.
  2. Travel Company Directory - users can search for over 4,500 companies and see what adventures they offer. They are also able to contact companies directly if that company is a member.
  3. User Holiday Reviews - every adventure travel company listed on the site can be reviewed, allowing users to share their experiences with others. The functionality also allows users to rate how green and how adventurous a company is.
  4. Targeted ads for tours, vacations, equipment, transport, accommodation & insurance - using a combination of Google Adsense and our own bespoke ad system, A-T.C can serve related ads to most of the website’s 20,000 pages.
Adventure Travel Co services for adventure travel related entities:
  • Guide Sponsorship - adventure travel companies, equipment providers, publishers, tourism boards and insurers have the chance to sponsor Activity, Destination and Adventure Guide pages. They do this by providing a video, photos and articles related to that page. The media can be tailored to that entity’s product or service. For example, an adventure travel company could sponsor a page on Costa Rica and plug their own tours within the content. Sponsored pages are clearly marked with the sponsor’s logo, allowing user’s to relate that adventure with that sponsor.
  • Directory Membership - adventure travel companies can join the database as advanced members giving them the chance to add their logo, accreditations and take advantage of a member profile contact form.
  • Advertising - any companies related to adventure travel can advertise products or services on specific pages. For example an equipment provider would be able to advertise mountain bikes on the Mountain Biking Activity Guide.
The website is designed to be of use to all market segments including GenY and Babyboomers. A-T.C is perfect for users from all backgrounds (from time and income rich to time and income poor). The scale of the database means that users can find adventure on their back doorstep or on the other side of the planet.

A-T.C lists 65 activities in 280 destinations using 15,500 guide pages and 4,500 adventure travel companies.

The website has also been designed so that almost anyone (equipment provider, insurer, blogger etc) can reach out to a highly targeted audience. Provided the information is accurate and of good quality, a sponsor can plug their product or service as much as they like.

Geographically, A-T.C has it’s sights set on a global presence. Initial development will be focused in the UK. As the website’s reputation and online presence expands so multi-language versions will emerge.

Special Interest in Connecting with the Adventure Travel Community (e.g., networking, marketing strategy development, research, partnerships/alliances, sustainable travel, insurance needs, etc.)

Connecting with the Adventure Travel Community is essential for the success of Adventure Travel Co.

The website is right at the beginning of it’s life, with hundreds of thousands of words to be written, thousands of photos to be taken and hundreds of hours of film to be shot. A mammoth task.

It is only with the cooperation of the international adventure travel community that the website will succeed in it’s mission to meet the needs of adventure travel entities and their clients.

Click here to connect with Adventure Travel Co on ATTA's The HUB.
