Adventure.Travel’s fifth annual Adventure In Motion short film competition, made possible by the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), AFAR, and the Regional Cooperation Council representing the Western Balkans, has come to a close.
This year, more than 170 films were submitted and reviewed by a diverse committee of industry professionals. They narrowed down this amazing group of submissions to the top nine films that were then promoted during the 2018 consumer-focused campaign on ATTA’s consumer site, Adventure.Travel, in August and September. Both the filmmakers and Adventure In Motion partners promoted the campaign, asking viewers to vote for their favorite films. From that campaign, the top three films of 2018 were featured on stage in front of more than 800 adventure travel delegates representing 68 countries at the Adventure Travel World Summit in Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, on 17 October 2018. Delegates participated in a live vote, which determined this year’s winner, Adventure is for All.
Adventure is for All
Directed by Timothy Dhalleine. Submitted by EcoCamp Patagonia.
The winning film, submitted by EcoCamp Patagonia, tells the story of Alvaro Silberstein and his adventure in Torres del Paine while in a wheelchair. His trek led to the creation of Wheel the World, which makes adventure activities accessible for people with disabilities. As the film’s narration reminds viewers, “Anyone can reach any place even at the world’s end. After all, adventure is for all.” The grand prize winner received a one-year ATTA membership, a ticket to 2019’s Adventure Travel World Summit, prizes from AFAR, and exposure through AdventureTravelNews, the Adventure.Travel website, and Adventure.Travel email newsletters sent to 240,000+ consumers.
The Regional Cooperation Council representing the Western Balkans announced its partner pick, Bark Europa - Antarctica, at the Summit as well. “We wanted to select a film that inspired us to travel, and this picture left us all wanting to embark on the adventure to Antarctica,” said Snjezana Derviskadic of the Regional Cooperation Council. The partner pick received an eight-day, fully supported trip through on the Via Dinarica and will also be promoted through Adventure.Travel.
Bark Europa - Antarctica
Josiah Holwick was the film’s director, videographer, editor, and graphics coordinator. Produced by James Lock and Bark Europa. Submitted by Proper Films.
This year’s runner-up films were Fall in Love with this Land // Amor a esta terra and Ode to our Boreal Winter in Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean.
Fall in Love with this Land // Amor a esta terra
Directed by Danilo Warick. Submitted by Rota Vicentina.
Ode to our Boreal Winter in Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean
Directed by Les Films de La Baie. Submitted by Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.
Next year’s Adventure In Motion contest dates and rules will be announced in early 2019. Subscribe to AdventureTravelNews to get the latest news on the 2019 Adventure In Motion film contest.