© Valencia Travel

Guardians of Andean Trees: A Story of Regeneration and Sustainability

13 June 2024

Valencia Travel Cusco has launched the "Guardians of Andean Trees" Program, an initiative aimed at mitigating carbon emissions, supporting the well-being of local communities, and promoting the regeneration of the natural environment through the planting of 15,000 pine trees in the Sacred Valley, specifically in the communities of Ruqqa Ayllu in Willoq and Amaru in Pisac.

The Beginning of a Vision

It all began with our commitment to take concrete actions for sustainability and regeneration. When planning this reforestation, we consulted with an agricultural engineer who recommended planting pine trees. These trees not only help protect the soil from erosion, but also create an environment conducive to the growth of edible mushrooms. These mushrooms will become a new source of income for the communities, allowing them to sell the produce in nearby cities.

Impact Beyond Expectations

The planting of these pine trees has revealed benefits that go beyond our expectations. In addition to contributing to more sustainable and responsible tourism, we have provided a new source of income to Indigenous communities, preserving their culture and improving their livelihoods. This project not only protects the environment but also supports the local economy through the production of forage for livestock, which is essential for the community's way of life and economy.

© Valencia Travel

The Power of Regeneration and Collaboration

The planting days were unforgettable experiences, where our team worked side by side with community members. It was a time of mutual learning, sharing stories and hopes for a better future, and  making miles of smiles together. Throughout the year, hundreds of our guests and travelers interact with the communities, getting to know their activities and traditions up close during their trips. This contact allows them to have a deep and meaningful experience, connecting with the local Andean culture in an authentic and often transformative way.

A Model to Replicate

We want to echo this initiative and encourage other actors in the tourism industry to replicate such actions in different parts of the world. We believe that collaborating with a clear purpose and working as a team can make a significant difference. This experience has shown us that with the right commitment, it is possible to generate a positive and lasting impact on both the environment and communities.

Be Part of the Change

We invite the global ATTA community to consider implementing similar projects, collectively contributing to the well-being of our planet and the communities we cherish.

For more information about the "Guardians of Andean Trees" program and other sustainable and regenerative initiatives by Valencia Travel Cusco, please contact our team at [email protected].

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