Quark Expeditions® features World’s Best Outdoor Gear Brands
Quark Expeditions®, a leading provider of expeditions to the Polar Regions, is pleased to announce the launch of its new Polar Boutique, an online store designed to outfit travelers for their expeditions.
The Polar Boutique at Shop.QuarkExpeditions.com offers carefully selected, top quality expedition gear from the world’s most reputable brands, including Helly Hansen, Icebreaker Merino, Bergans of Norway and Outdoor Research, and a full line of merino wool products including neck warmers, bottoms, hats, socks, tops and more. Those wishing to purchase the iconic 3-in-1 Quark parka – designed to keep you comfortable and dry in variable polar weather conditions and free to Quark Expeditions® passengers – can now order one from the Polar Boutique.
The site’s gear and clothing are hand-selected for their proven durability, comfort and value, and were chosen based on the experience and feedback of thousands of polar travelers and Quark staff members.
Clothing ranges from t-shirts, baselayers and socks, to waterproof and wind resistant pants and jacket shells. From hats to boots, to mittens and underwear, every piece of passenger-tested and recommended clothing is available for online purchase. Also stocked are packs and dry bags, camera accessories, binoculars, and a wide range of travel essentials like carabiners, lip balm, and travel converters.
Additionally, visitors to the site will find a full gift shop offering local artwork and gifts, souvenir patches, books and maps, premium spa products from Quark Expeditions® spa partner VOYA, and more. On-site expedition packing lists, tips from expedition staff, and product spotlights are likewise available.
“We’re excited to launch our Polar Boutique to fill a need expressed by many of our passengers,” said Andrew White, President of Quark Expeditions®. “Visiting the Arctic and Antarctica is an experience like none other, and having the right clothing for all types of weather is essential to that experience. For over 25 years, we’ve learned which clothing lines, accessories and gear function well in these regions, and we’re pleased to make this collection of the best brands available to our passengers and online visitors.”
As a welcoming gift, all Quark Expeditions® Polar Boutique visitors will enjoy free shipping within the United States or Canada for a limited time only. In addition, visitors from any other country in the world can take advantage of a $10 flat rate for shipping, while the promotion lasts.